
Has anyone else hear heard of the book “Girls and Sex”? The following is a thought process that was influenced by that book and by the author interview.

Not to mention that Hillary came up in a different time. Back in her day, to divorce Bill would have been suicide for her family/ career....probably everything. Lots of women stayed in shitty marriages for these same reasons. Now people look back and question why she didn’t leave. No one can navigate this line well

I am so BUMMED OUT BY THIS! I have never really like Trevor Noah (I think I continue to hold his misogynistic tweets against him) and the Nightly Show was so refreshing, so funny, and had just incredibly diverse opinions. This is a real shame!

Makes me think of the charlie’s angels films....did those do well? I think they did....

Is Mila a divorcee in the film?

The disjointed music was the first thing I noticed in the trailers. If you know and love these gets to be really emotionally confusing. Contrast it to the X-Men Apocalypse trailer: one glorious song, and brought me to tears almost every time.

AH! Yeah a“strict bedtime” mom can usually be a bit of a pill.

Didn’t know that! I haven’t really seen them in the promos.

I am confused, which mom had strict bedtime line?

HA! I was so looking forward to this movie because I thought it was really about being a “bad” mom, like a mom that starts a divorce because she finds feminism (not that this would make her truly a “bad” mom, but you know what I am saying). If this is all about good moms not being perfect then FUCK THAT. Also, why oh

Yeah....these people in the end, even thought they are doing good here, they are still pushing their moral agenda on other people, and this is a known ambiguous issue... we need abortion as a choice such that all moral compasses in the american fabric can be accommodated for. To me, its akin to freedom of religion.But

Yes! So good.

The DNC has been so much of what I didn’t know that I needed. I have been so focused on “making it” inn my own little microcosm and have been telling myself the whole time that I can do it and that I am just as good as any man that is in leadership above me. Seeing this historic moment unfold in front of me is truly

THANK YOU. Anyone who can just opt to vote for Trump out of spite is privileged by bigotry and sexism and completely unaware of said privilege.

Honestly I love the fashion and concept of these, but in all seriousness, by the pool, more skin is usually better. I think all sizes look good naked and I think that all sizes look best in less clothing when in the sunshine. But hey, that is just me.

I am weeping for the black community. I am weeping for how disgusting our nation is. And I am weeping out of frustration how nothing seems to be changing. Yes, keeping writing. I send your writing out to anyone I can. I don’t know what else to do now expect speak on this to anyone who will listen.

I really think the fact that humans be humans and do dumb shit in anger should be a larger part of the gun control discussion. Fuck, I have done plenty of stuff in anger that make me question who I am as a scares me to imagine that someone ANYONE that can have emotional swings may have a deadly weapon at

The catch is that this only happened because of the color of the man who fired the weapon.

I was high as fuck at Native American museum a few weeks back. All I kept thinking about is that white people murdered these people, took their shit and set it up in a museum, and are now making bank by replicating the patterns at Urban Outfitters. .