
the fax machine. the locked doors, detecting footsteps in the hall. the sleepovers. the faxes. i think its more likely michael loved this kid as i would’ve loved an age appropriate girl growing up than that he was a serial pedophile. these were his two or three loves of his life. no reason to take little boys on tour

This is good information, thanks! Now i don’t have to watch the documentary : )

I don’t believe in Dr. Sebi, i was arguing with the other guy who is saying its impossible that if such a case study existed that the potential profits alone would open up the floodgates of opportunity and render pharma helpless to contain it. I have lost family members to cancer, i know people are working to solve

For the same reason no one has come forward with the tapes of trump saying the n word. For the same reason Oprah doesn’t try to do anything about the problems in Chicago. Not worth the hassles. Travolta doesn’t speak up on behalf of scientology, speaking up is not the norm, it’s the exception. Why didn’t anyone speak

Pharma can’t control Thailand, but they are trying. the point i’m making has nothing to do with Dr. Sebi. I don’t care if he cured aids or not, i only care that even if he did it wouldn’t be easy for him to patent, process, produce, dispense etc due to the corruption and greed of corporations and governments. https://c

you are really ignorant. the party is invite only, i don’t care if 200,000 doctors sprout out of the ground. good people try to do good things all the time to combat pollution, clean water, provide power, provide food, improve infrastructure, improve travel, bring the cost of living down, volunteer, etc. your business

it’s feasible all the pharma interests are aligned in that monetizing the method used to “cure” wasn’t viable without setting off a costly chain of events where people just eat healthier and avoid being on drugs in general. you would agree that the pharma companies aren’t interested in your healthy lifestyle and

This is horrible looking and a smarter, braver, craftier cop might’ve done something different for a white person sure but that’s really speculating. a) dude is blocking everyone from getting taco bell, in the wrong neighborhood someone easily gets shot just for this b) his gun is out and loaded c) yes he is impaired

“unverified screenshots” they photoshopped this shit? also how would you know that WOTC didn’t verify the claims of harrassment? it’s a business decision, not a legal one so you aren’t in a position to use the criteria they used to make this determination. 

i have seen only an overwhelming amount of unwavering support for Trump from the military member of my family. 

Ice T is a great example of someone getting paid without really having to work the craft but that’s not to say he couldn’t pull off some complex parts with effort. Are we judging on the work or talent?

Queen’s a’ight? Queen Latifah is just a’ight? You might not like Last Holiday but you damn well better respect it. She’s the black female Tom Hanks, they just don’t write parts for everyone and not everyone feels like doing dramatic roles but she is better than a’ight.

WHAT! I thought the Temecula stuff was from Posting and Toasting the NY Knicks blog only....what’s the orgins of temecula meetings?

So Corey Feldman and Maculey Culkin and Webster all hung out with michael but he never messed with them. His kids actually seem normal enough...and after all these years we just have two accusers......his interviews where horrible and if he had pictures of little kids naked than that should be more widely reported i

yup, the first half was amazing w/ the punisher but it falls apart for me with Elektra and the hand. This new season looks incredible though.

I disagree entirely, his character is the most sympathetic and entrenched in the most dramatic scenario amidst all the other characters. We front loaded his storyline also so I was pretty invested and least show him collecting the salamanca money while still reporting to gus or something to let us know

Damn this sounds highly probable, I’m thinking everyone gets done on this job...with kai being the main problem though. 

Yeah i threw as much at the drop rate as possible everytime, i should bank 30 cells before i hit the bridge but i wouldn’t want to take a loss...recently a lot stronger so i could probably worry less and get up to 500/1000 in the +/- stuff. Right now i’m at 120 or so...I usually go with frozen projectiles and spite

having a job is important, self-respect is great but so is having a shelter, food, water, contributing to society, taking care of the family, etc. it sounded like he def. did mind licking boots also so no need to kick a man while he’s down on the internet. 

no spoilers please.