
Air traffic controllers not turning up in Atlanta during the run-up to Super Bowl weekend would end it.

Slightly OT:

The hit dog hollers loudest, Ja. Just say you fucked up and take your whuppin’.

Nancy burning Trump again.

The world is awful and everything is bad and we should all be ashamed of what we’ve turned into.

Every trial of a police officer should be a federal case. It’s inconceivable that you allow one person to decide the guilt of another when those two people often work hand in hand.

Take her head and rub her nose in the terrible tip and say, “Did you do that? No! Bad tipper, bad!” She should learn her lesson after the second or third time.

“Honey, we’ve talked about this, can you please use a coaster?”

I watched 2 episodes of this show yesterday.

If this is the extent of Tim Tebow’s game, he may not be having sex anytime soon.

1. Throw away canned crab.

“I don’t like these numbers. I hate these numbers.”

Europeans increased the police presence in native American neigborhoods by increasing the number of nuisance complaints?

Calm the fuck down, January; we still have a whole year of horror to endure.

She should never have seen the inside of a cell. She should have received a pardon, not just a commutation. She should be going home TODAY. Even in spite of that, I’m sobbing knowing that Cyntoia is finally getting her freedom.

You are so so right in every word you wrote. So much self blame among the women he targeted and abused, while the enablers, including his brother Bruce and the one who got forged documents on Aaliyah, had so little shame for their actions. It was nauseating and triggering to watch, but such a necessary film. I kind of

Mr. Wannabe Sugar Daddy: your own naivete is astounding but men still think waitresses and strippers really like them too. You’re being played with the long con.