
Not just batch to batch either. Within the same batch, consistently.

Wow this sounds like my hometown.

Same thing happens with supplements and vitamins. Half of what you take is usually sawdust/cellulose, because there’s no oversight or regulation. And sometimes there’s even unapproved drugs snuck into them!

A colleague of mine did his PhD research on e-cigs and their brethren. The most significant data he found (other than generally it’s pretty bad for you) was that there is no consistency, at all, in the number and types of ingredients used in these shit products because they are not regulated in any significant way.

I stayed in an eco-lodge in the Peruvian Amazon, and the Brits who were with us (father and daughter) consistently treated the (highly educated, professional zoologist) guides like their own personal servants (made them carry their bags and all), and the daughter complained constantly that it RAINED TOO MUCH. In the ra

This is one thing I’ve never understood: cyclists who ride on the road but don’t follow rules of traffic. That red light is for everybody, dumbass!

You’d think that dumping shit into the ocean would be counterproductive for a cruise line that sails through the ocean. People take cruises (in part) to be out in/look at the pretty ocean.

I have heard such good things about this show and I love Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara so much... but I just CAN’T GET THROUGH those first few episodes. When does it get better? Do I have to struggle through like, 10 hours or 40? Season 1 or more? 

Coconut was my favorite - I thought it tasted like cream soda without the sugary tooth rot.


I really really loved LaCroix, until Spindrift hit the market and... was better. They use actual fruit juice instead of just flavoring! Like... real LEMONS instead of whatever flavoring extract that is also used in moist towelettes!

I sometimes think those of us who spend a lot of time thinking about and working with feminist issues assume that everyone is as steeped in the issues and terminology as we are, and that’s just not the case.

I am just glad that Zoobilee Zoo made the list

ONE HUNDRED percent this

I don’t disagree!

Agreed, though Shark Week is my personal favorite

Have you read Caitlyn Doughty’s From Here to Eternity??

Break-ups and rejections aren’t personal affronts, they’re the natural result of the trial-and-error that goes into living your fucking life.

There are so many interesting people out there, you guys! Just in my small circle of friends I know people who have traveled the world, who sing in choirs, who take art classes, who tutor adults in literacy or teach new immigrants English, who are on the board of directors for the local library system or arts council,