XE 20t is going to come with a stick the Jag NA CEO said.
This was my reaction as well. Thought it was discontinued a couple years ago in the US.
Reading all the commenters on here makes me want to switch careers to something automotive, then I remembered I would have to start all over again with no seniority and that doesn’t sound fun.
You can take apart the interior panels enough to get to most sides of the engine without taking it out of the car.
All things considered even as a past Ford truck owner I would have my doubts on the durability of the bed as my old truck had some unintentional sharp impact dings from moving stuff around.
They are a hobby just like you buying an fixing up cars. Except horses usually gain value for the first half of their life(bloodline, grooming, training dependent)
Pretty sure a S Class costs less...Oats are about 100 a month, full service stables are about 400-500 a month. Insurance for the horse starts around 300/yr. Ferrier is about $50 every 6 weeks unless your horse gets shoes then its closer to $100.
Clutches are considered wear items like wiper blades and after a short period of time/miles it’s considered wear not manufacture defect.
1. Aston Martin Dealer
Neutral: I currently do not see any reason for me to ever buy a sedan again. Sports car + SUV is the best combo for us and while life can change a hatchback/wagon/suv is always better for us.
Would be nice to see an update to this article with what happened. Looks like he DNF’d the 500
I agree, I debadge most vehicles I buy. Its a cleaner look.
Need some youtube live
CP - of all Audi motors this is the one I would stay far away from, this is the motor that is in most of the allroads.
Why do I get the feeling that if that project was started here it would turn out like the big dig?
I want one for the wife. This or a RRS Td6