
All libertarians are full of shit.

The 2020 VW Harlequin Golf.

This is always the argument they use to justify shooting every dog they see.

If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.

Of course, copyright holders are required to defend their properties

“its noted that the US has the same protections as other countries where possible - except for the bumpers”

Shut up, Bill.

Osama bin Laden won that war he started.

No, it’s not. Also, fuck you

Ah, yes, because if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the last few weeks, it’s that the cops can be trusted to do the right thing.

Most of Davids cars can only do zero mph. I bet dad's response will keep this diskweed off the road longer than a week. Hope he goes away for a long time.

Obviously not, but send him a fucking ticket for running the light. Which is the normal thing that happens when you run a red light.

Next time you get a moving violation, will you expect the police to pit-maneuver you?

This is a very bad take.

I liked Tesla, but this whole situation has soured Tesla for me... I have no respect for a company that does shit like this. Seems to me that this is something the DOT should be getting involved in.

Also: I’ve literally been reading this website for many years now, and somehow, for some reason, someone put me back into

When we’re talking about the general electorate that votes in Presidential elections, this small part of the Democratic electorate becomes even more insignificant. Elections are a numbers game. Young voters (and Latinx voters) have not been able to push Bernie Sanders to win by a significant margin in most states

Younger people are more alienated from society because they don’t have a stake in it. No income, no assets. Alienated people are an inherent danger to society and trying to bring them over and participate is a great choice for anyone who values a positive peace.

You can tell half of these commenters were all "B-b-b-but...!" before they finished the first paragraph

I'm sorry, why are you assigning *value* to voters? The fuck is that, exactly?

The weird thing is....plenty of people blame Sanders and his supporters for Clinton’s loss in 2016.  It can’t be both.  

This honestly isn’t true, because the demographics Sanders has staked his campaign on are unreliable voters. They couldn’t even carry him to the Democratic nomination, much less carry him to victory in a general election.