
There’s the issue with a projector in your roof causing heat and drawing lots of power.  There the issue with a bright light shining out of your car, especially at night because you’re never going to get it focused and sitting just right on a skinny pillar.  There’s the issue with obstructions or obstacles in the way

It’s not the job of the show to provide accurate sex-ed. This show is taken from the POV of children who are figuring this shit out and have no idea what’s real or rumor or fake. I’m certainly not going to fault them for showing a young character who is describing her own sexuality in a way that doesn’t perfectly

Maybe the problem is with the term “pansexual” which is fucking stupid, and as you pointed out, insulting to anyone who is trans as it implies they aren’t really the gender they say they are.

Christians adopt foreigners who are mentally traumatized by either their life in general or worse, the conditions of the orphanage they came from, often have problems raising the kid and then handing them around to other Christians without a single piece of new paperwork. THIS IS A THING THAT HAPPENS its everywhere

“According to the Daily Mail...”

Jesus Christ, Jezebel has become so irresponsible. Your approach to covering this promotes the damaged adoptee trope that hurts all adopted people. Yes, I know most media outlets are doing the same, but it’s gross. This, plus all the pro-Juuling posts, are super fucked up. I’m pretty much hate reading at this point.

I think the truth might be in the middle, after looking it over again -

I think your handling of this story is, at best, irresponsible. It is a bad idea to promote the idea that adopted kids are sometimes unlovable/do something to justify their re-abandonment/etc. Don’t adopt a CHILD from an international country if you’re not prepared to deal with intense trauma (which can include

$20 bucks for 3 hours is less than minimum wage.  That doesn’t sound great at all.

He made a good point, though. I used to think the Godfather was amazing until learning that James Caan did not actually get killed at that toll booth.

*refuses to have sex with my pro-choice husband*

It also sort of feeds into regressive ideas about sex and relationships that the right believes in.

What percentage of pro-choice women are in long-term relationships with pro-life men? I feel like the efficacy here is inherently limited by that, even if 100% of eligible candidates went along with it.

eBay sellers set their own price on the items they sell and therefore have much more control over their business. Uber/Lyft drivers cannot.

Are the kind of person who sides with every corporation that manages to get people to sign away their rights? Oh, you didn’t see in the fine print that your insurance excludes doctors whose last name begins with M? Too bad- not covered!

I drive for both Uber & Lyft and I can assure you are wrong. That use to be the case, before Uber changed to their new Driver App. Now, a driver is lucky to make 30% of the total fare, all while holding all responsibility for vehicle maintenance, supplies & cleaning/upkeep cost, insurance on the driver’s vehicle as

That is a reasonable arrangement, but it’s apparently not the one Uber uses. 

This is not sarcasm:

If that’s true, then you would have to agree that the majority of the fare needs to go to the driver and not Uber, right?