
How good do you really need to feel?

I know there was one that ended: “Mister Hooper let a pooper, right on Gordon’s head”

Faded out Patriots helmet logo?

Oh, OK.

Be careful what you get good at.

The real fucking won’t start until she files for divorce.

What happens a lot?

See what happens when adults act like children and not satan?

This one is for Craig Ehlo.

The world needed another Cleveland Browns.

They saved the season, and $47 with flexible departure dates.

The sad life of a backup dancer.

dang yo

All runs are distance runs.

I bet you die before he kills himself gramps.

He should have been beaned for celebrating.

‘All the Shah’s Men’ by Stephen Kinzer is an amazing read on the events. It was a heartbreaking betrayal of people who looked to the US to protect them from imperialist interests. The foreward of the copy I have discusses how you can draw a straight line from the revolution to 9/11. In light of current events it

As a Son and a Son of a Saler...

Instead of calling someone cuntface in an article that she your entire extended social circle will surely see, you should punch her in the face. She might punch you back, but at least you’d settle it privately, like grownups.

It’s good to see professional athletes stand up for the things that really matter.