Still salty over losing GamerGate I see.
So no mention of Apple who started this payment structure just three months ago and why many left Spotify?
That’s the internet for you. He’s whining about something but keeping it very vague because he has no idea what he’s talking about.
To say that TPP is “half of what Kojima wanted it to be” and “unfinished” is seriously an exaggeration. Okay, the cut content which was episode 51, does that really add up to 50% of the game? What about the multiplayer portion which has yet to launch, does that have no value?
I played it for literally more than 100 hours and I still have side ops to do, without ever touching the shitty rehash missions (and I have no intention of playing them). The game is huge. Don’t be silly.
What the hell is the point of reading the article? If you can look at the pictures as you scroll down, you should be good to go ahead and comment on it.
I’ll have to disagree with this. I was adamant about always having a GoPro attached to my motorcycle helmet in case something happened. One day a truck came at me from the opposite direction in my lane and ran me over breaking both legs and causing $500k in medical bills. I suffered a concussion thus don’t have any…
I’ll have to disagree with this. I was adamant about always having a GoPro attached to my motorcycle helmet in case…
Furry fighting game? I’m all over this!
It might take all the risks it wants, but the thing is, I play Smash mostly because the characters and stages are something I bonded with over the years. Smash is more than just about its gameplay, it’s also about playing as your favorite Nintendo character and battling it out with all the other Ninty characters.…
Furry Smash? No thanks.
You know why no one takes designers seriously? Because you can in the same article call that DC one beautiful and the NYC one horrid. They’re practically the same design, but the NYC one has better proportions.
In a perfect game Quiet and D-Dog would be the same buddy. This dog can sniff out enemies, shoot a sniper rifle, and for some reason we’re supposed to feel ashamed.
That’s not “the way it should be” when the games get their length from busy work, meaningless tasks and hordes of identical enemies. If the activities advance the story or your understanding of the skill system, it’s all good. Otherwise, just let me move on to another game, for Christ’s sake.
8 minutes and an half is too long just to hear 30 seconds of actual music. Seriously... what made you think it was a good idea to make this article?
Donkey Kong is Nintendo’s Chippendale’s character.
I bought the Japanese version for Vita. Understanding what you’re leveling up when buying new skills is a bit challenging, and if I remember correctly, there’s a mission that you have to solve based on a tip that somebody tells you. Those are a bit challenging, but nothing a quick reference to YouTube couldn't fix.…
This title has two or three ‘quizzes’ you need to complete to progress. One during the main story, and one or two more in the DLC side missions. Those will be tough without translations, as when you get an answer wrong they swap positions.
I imported it day one before it came out here and i beat it just fine. in fact when it came out in English i picked it up and hardly touched it since i pretty much grasped what was going on.
From what I remember the story has some gibberish language and it’s all in subtitles. As for the actual text in might be able to get around it.