Louie has been scientifically proven to be the best tv comedy of all time. Scientists said so!
Louie has been scientifically proven to be the best tv comedy of all time. Scientists said so!
Show me advance wars 3ds.
It's drawn that way because it's an homage to old school 70's style anime art. It's the same thing the team did with Gurren Lagann back when they were with Gainax. IMO, the style fits the fast paced, high energy nature of both shows and the team is pretty good with using the style to its fullest.
Why is kotaku allowing articles of flap crap when this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-… - hasn't been mentioned once?
Barely literate rap star? This is a contradiction of terms if you take it in pieces, a wordsmith who can't read. Together, you get a stereotype- and the barely literate rap star isn't a stereotype of white people, dig? The company that sponsors a successful musician and actor's podcast asking him to make a spoken word…
We need more Actraiser.
Okay, gaming guys. Let me tell you something about being a real man. Which implies ocassionally touching real women.
Real men MAY care about a woman's:
1. Physicality
If that's the case, and thank you for the link, this chart is wrong. It says regular old olive oil can be used at higher temps than EVOO. Obviously not your mistake, but it was confusing me.
Controls are fine and accurate, the AI is never cheap as long as you're patient which is the entire point of the game.
Saying it sucks because it's too hard for you is stupid.
its not, its just what a I call it. easier than saying Xbox one and not as confusing as saying xbox...dick.
"Nintendo can make quality, creative games with touch screens, they just need to get over that ego! Get over it with drugs."
New Check It Out coming very soon. He worked very hard on it.
*coughcough* better CE? I don't know about that. I'm for one is gratefully our CE was less expensive by not including that horrible figure they so call putting out
Because you’re too poor to visit any of them.
"Watching lava destroy Coca Cola cans is totally mesmerizing"
This was so boring.
MH3U probably beats out a few of these.
Again, It's amazing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate doesn't get some love on here. There are tons of people playing it online on Wii U!