Dobis P.R.

Released same day

They took that chance with 3U and it sold rather poorly.


Looking for wireless controllers and digital downloads? Might I interest you in a Wii or Wii U?

From what I’ve heard the “easter egg” part has been fixed.

Even a week or two earlier I would have picked this up for sure. And after Generations I’ll be getting Dragon Quest 7. Kind of a shame the first 4 years of 3DS had so few JRPG’s while this year it’s impossible to keep up.

What you’ll learn after high school is productive people with long illustrious careers are very rarely drug addicts.

It was widely panned.

It was widely panned.

And Bravely Second. And... its artbook

Star Fox also suffered badly from “pre-release backlash”. Federation Force is still probably a better example (of how novelty simply is not allowed by the “community”)

Super Mario RPG and Monster Hunter demo. And Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

Those were not emulated - the topic is emulation.

Just add $25 for the receiver!

Just add $25 for the receiver!

Seems like you might want to let these marinate just a little - more than half are from just the last year - and PC games have a 30+ year history. And I think you need to replay something like Chrono Trigger or Earthbound before putting Undertale on a best 12 of anything list.

Definitely watch out for the save bug in the second game. Nuked my 20 hr save - haven’t revisited the series since.

I think it’s pretty obvious microsoft was testing the waters last year with the $150 xbox controller. Expect scorpio to target the same demographic of “pro” gamers at a premium price - I’d guess $500. This’ll be $300, about.

It’s a little disengenuous to say you’re getting it “for free”. It was fully expected to be part of the $60 transaction made months ago.

I wouldn’t call Tokyo Mirage Sessions a “likely yes”. Reviewers have had a copy of the game for a week, including Kotaku most likely.

Only 4 reviews on that bad boy....

Only 4 reviews on that bad boy....

So basically the lesson is... unless it’s an annualized franchise, don’t expect to be playing anything they announce next week until mid / late 2018.