Dobis P.R.

Splatoon - my first splatfest! Tried all morning to get Fire Emblem but I guess it was not to be. Should have learned my lesson from every other 3DS special edition...

The camera smashing through all those polygons is not too badass, on the other hand.

Xenoblade! Just got my skell - what a game...

I did for years then realized many of the 1up writers have podcasts (8-4 play, no more whoppers, and nintendo voice chat are some good ones)

But why even spend the $30 (adding surely another $50 to the retail price) when 90% of wii u owners will never come close to utilizing it. I doubt the total of every game available in the eshop is much more than 500GB (Splatoon is about 2GB for example and even the bigger games are about 4GB)

Anyone with enough foresight to know that spending $50 or $100 extra for 24 extra GB is a total waste when you can buy 1000 extra GB for about $50 with an external hard drive.

It would be more surprising if they DIDN’T release Mother 3 after the megaton hint last year of releasing Mother 1, and not too long before that, Mother 2.

It’s a better job than usual, but still pretty unconvincing. Probably the worst is the front page image - everything is placed too well-manneredly - it’s all the same scale, nothing overlaps or is rotated, and there are some duplicates. As for the others - the strokes look like they were done on a wacom rather than in

xenoblade really hit the spot for me

That and the line “we’re lepers” spoken by one of the characters. Mystery solved!

My hopes of this getting localized just got crushed...


Now the comically long localization time is starting to make sense. Rebuilding core systems takes time I am sure but it would have been cool to have something new to play last year besides monster hunter.

Why wish? A 3DS isn’t exactly a huge investment and any self respecting gamer or rpg player should absolutely own one by now.

You should give Rockstar games a try. LA Noir and Red Dead Redemption certainly qualify as “beautifully realised worlds straight out of a history book”.

I’m surprised by how hight Rhythm Heaven charted and again by how disinterested NOA is in the series.

Well, part of it is how the game was positioned. Microsoft placed it as a flagship title in their push for digital games and it became synonomous with the (at the time) burgeoning platform.

A hummer is a truck, not a helicopter.

Definitely worth noting in the 3DS section (where you say it’s on its last legs) that it looks like it will have the system’s strongest lineup of any year in its history, particularly if you like JRPG’s or japanese games in general (2 new Monster Hunters, new Mario RPG, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Shin Megami

It feels like we’re getting into Nintendo territory here in terms of scarcity of substantial, first party published releases. When this game releases it will have been more than a year since they published Bloodborne.