It is weird, but not unprecedented. They did the same with the dsi, November Japan, April US / EU.
It is weird, but not unprecedented. They did the same with the dsi, November Japan, April US / EU.
Wondering the same. I really dislike how on the XL the "shell" feels so flimsy - so I'm hoping for a more robust NEW xl.
Seems less likely with their consoles since they typically run 2x the cost of their handhelds.
I know I'm not getting one (was planning on it for smash). It looks like NOE and NOA are counting on "casuals" to not notice, or not realize what a massive upgrade it is.
Seems like it would have made sense for Square to put this out here this year too. They've released, what, 1 game for the 3DS this generation? And even that one (bravely default), Nintendo had to pick up the publishing duties for 1.5 years later.
Animation looked superb. What are you comparing it to?
Doesn't feel that weird really. Everything they're doing is pretty much in line with the SNL digital shorts from years ago. Even TV advertisement has been there for years with the Terry Crews Old Spice commercials et al. Now imagine if Tim and Eric had been involved...
It's never worked liked this. Know your gaming history!
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder but The Witness and No Man's Sky look quite a lot "prettier" to me. The environment mostly looks good but the animation looks... not great. You can't have a good looking game with only one or the other.
Didn't happen for this poor kid:
Great timing, as io9 just called it one of the 10 Anime That Will Change Your Life yesterday.
This series is just, the worst.
You want a dragon in it, but left the last one just when it featured dragon for approximately 90% of the last 1/3 of the movie?
They haven't made a PC game in about 20 years, so it's not that sad really. Most of the people that worked at bungie in that era probably aren't even there any more.
Good news... if you live in Japan.
so true
If it takes 45 minutes... you're doing it wrong.
That actually sounds abysmal. I remember trying to play Resistance 3 on my PS3 and having a several hour long install / update session. I was hoping this generation would get that right.
Fully agreed on the point of graphics, but the term "underpowered" doesn't only refer to graphics. The whole experience around the games, miiverse, eshop, browser, load times in game and out, are all impacted by the hardware Nintendo went with. Right now, it feels sluggish. But in a couple years, when PS4 and Xbone…