Schmoopie4: The Long Road Back.

I’m not a big Youtuber fan and frankly only know like one or 2 famous people because of what’s on here/news outlets - but “noone said they had to make this their day job”????. You know how many people could say that - like 90%. “I know you’re miserable and overworked but you didn’t HAVE to work in a coal

Content creators are contractors. I get checks from Google, Inc. I’m not a user. I create content that drives eyeballs to their platform for ad delivery. I would agree with how you frame it more if I was actually being paid directly by the advertisers but that’s not how it works.

I have not once mentioned an expectation to be “sexual livestock” or that it is okay to “demand” sex from your significant other.

Why doesn’t the NBA mind the player-for-a-day thing when it comes to Derrick Rose?

Goddamn there’s like 50 kinds of stupid in this post.

that’s the Russian spelling.

And that’s different how?

why are you mad about this

nationalist ultra fan groups???? you must be out of your mind. we all know who it was.

Headline is fake news level of click baity.

I like ‘em. Understated and classy. I guess they need to have more neon colors and ugly clown doodads added to them to appease some people?

You don’t have to be here either, nor do you have to respond to my comments. And if you don’t like what I have to say, you have the choice to say something or sit there and be quiet, just like I do. You’re not any more important that I am. So take your little dismissal and shove it up your ass.

Are you on a mission to prove that there is nothing so silly or petty that you can’t get upset about it? If so, good job.

Yep, exactly. It was purely an totally surface-level attempt to distract and quiet the drumbeats for impeachment. Can’t impeach a War President, surely!

That’s a lot of “probably”s. It’s interesting that this 1 guy made such an impression on you that you spent the rest of the day inventing an entire backstory for him (in which he had nothing at all in common with you).

Wait, you didn’t get a free buffet to stuff your face because you write for a newspaper? And you didn’t get to go inside the ropes and block paying customers views because you’re a member of the press? Oh the HUMANITY! Boo fucking hoo. Thanks for writing a “I’m taking my ball and going home” piece.

For those of you who didn’t waste ten minutes reading the entire exerpt as I unfortunately did: A millennial journalist/blogger went to Augusta and got his tender feelings hurt because there were rules and relatively high standards of decorum. He then went on to call people names who would dare to dispute his clearly

What I’d really like to see now is Shane dispatched to do a story on sports in North Korea, so he can come back and be all “Guys, I wasn’t fucking kidding! They’re exactly the same place!”

None of Augusta’s rules mentioned in this piece are in any way comparable to the worst dictatorship on the planet. If we really consider looking and behaving in a civilized manner for a couple hours to be a huge ask, that’s more an indictment of how trashy modern society has become than anything.