Schmoopie4: The Long Road Back.

Welcome to 2017, have we hit rock bottom yet?

Me too, I bet it was professor Plumb, in the study, with the lead pipe.

I think you cracked the case Benson.

Counterpoint: people often agree to a sentence of life without parole to avoid the death penalty, so it does have a benefit to society.

Seems like the governor can have a prerogative too though, right?

So what is Putin’s motive behind Trump threatening North Korea?

I look forward to the forthcoming “articles” from the various establishments of the media asking; “Is Spicy McSpiceface a holocaust denier?”

Someone needs to dig a little deeper into #arrowheadgate

Thank you, white person.

Don’t worry, we have the MSM on our side, what could go wrong?

Sigh.. It is still the same media corp, and re-tweeting is permitted I beleive, but I digress..

“Feel free to go back and show me where it played up the Trump-Putin alliance.”

“Regarding MTV, you asserted that millennials think it’s news. How many of those 15 million are millennials and how many rely solely on it for actual information?”

?? MTV has a big youtube footprint and 15 million twitter followers on their main channel alone..

We have a generation of millenials that mostly think twitter, facebook, and MTV are news. It’s basically pop-culture-politics down here.

The murderer/rapist has managed to transcend to the level of top victim in this case.

I can’t speak for those other people who encourage LGBTQ suicide, but I know that I don’t condone that shit.

Lol, yeah.. that happened.

It’s all about the feels now bro, logic went out in 2015 or so..

In a perfect world, she would have walked up to the cop with the Pepsi in hand, but instead of handing it to him she quickly takes it back and flips him off, then the camera focuses in on an anti-fa in the background, who proceeds to hurl a brick at the soldier of the occupying force’s head, hits him, he falls,