
“I’m all for calm heads but when was the last time a state took someone else’s navy equipment? Shit like this doesn’t happen between rival nations unless they’re trying to send a message.”

Yes and no. It’s not, “no harm no foul.” They’re harassing us, and the rest of the world, in the South China Sea. That’s a lot of harm and a lot of foul. It’s international waters, and yet they are militarizing man-made islands. They have seemingly convinced the Philippino President to accede to their claims.

She said he tried to hit on her which is now very ironic.

This. If Dems were smart they’d trade a corporate tax cut for a rise in cap gains taxes. But Dems are not smart so I suspect they will take cues from guys like Hamilton and play class war.

Based on my readings of Mr. Nolan since he emigrated over from Gawker, he doesn’t seem to understand taxes or really any other economic concept.

He doesn’t understand that higher wages and unionizing will only lead to more of this. But let him live in his little socialist echo chamber if he wants.

Also, it’s become sort of a daily affirmation for me to actively acknowledge that this “fake news” bullshit is 100% about letting Clinton off the hook for losing the election. Nobody gave the slightest of shits about it before Trump won, and they’d have continued not caring had he been defeated. This fixation is a

Excellent points. I liken this to demanding that the post office screen all mail for facts prior to allowing it to be delivered. It’s ridiculous.

So, when will Gizmodo finally attempt to do something about its pointless “Where in the World is Palmer Luckey” series?

Part of protecting the integrity of “real” news is knowing what stories are patently false, and also what stories are true but are invested with an irrationally high level of importance or

...which falls pretty squarely in line with Mark Zuckerberg’s repeated (and disingenuous) statements that the social platform isn’t a media company.

Seriously? They’re one of the best fact checking websites out there.

For a site that specializes in fake news, misinformed posts and fake outrage you guys sure seem to hate other sites that do the same thing.

Curse those fake stories!

This will get at the heart of the issue that the main problem with “fake news” is that most media companies publish incredibly misleading headlines, or pick and choose the “facts” that they do include in stories. It will be great to see every single news article get flagged.

When do we get to start reporting Gawker stories as fake? Lord knows you guys publish plenty of them.

Her boobs sure are floating though!

But Saint Bernie, the man who can communicate with birds, can surely save us? I mean, if he starts drinking the blood of newborn infants starting now, he can reverse some of the corrosive effects of old age and bring us back from the brink of disaster? Right?

well, every single campaign metric minus the electoral college. like. the one that matters.