
Donald Trump brought Scott Baio to a Meryl Streep fight.

I'm a giant Marvel comics fanboy from way back. Way, way, way back. I still read them even in my 40's. But I'm just not a fan of most cape TV or movies. Some is good. A few have been excellent. Most is shit, and I can't be bothered to care anymore. The only TV property that I have found worthwhile was Jessica

No one ever talks about the really cool matching sheriff star outfits that the Nazis gave to the Jews.

That would be tough since I wouldn't be watching it. I don't actually watch shows I think suck in the hopes that they suddenly and inexplicably become great. I just stop watching.

They can dump Daredevil. That show dropped off a cliff from good to meh to awful over the course of two seasons.

The Wyrd with his clone Stefon Colbert is even better.

Sounds like a good movie. Could be the start of a whole series of films that can be milked until they are a shadow of themselves.

They aren't ridiculous so much as mentally unbalanced and terminally naive.

She later added that Scott Baio was also ridiculous.

Hey, good lookin'!

"I've always hated the story, so of course I signed up to make the movie." - Bruce Timmmmm

Starships are built with fear based science and giant legos!

I believe it is, "Exit, stage right, military people!"

"Baby, your made the Ego move."

Another reviewer mentioned that this show is really very good not just in spite of its flaws, but because of them. I'd agree. Whenever it seems to lean too heavily on its references, it turns into the skid and makes that a plus. At least for me, anyway.

I think the version currently running as the GOP nominee for president is a solid creation. He's scary as all get out.

The good news is that the recent Netflix financials revealed it to be slowing down considerably in the new subscribers area, particularly in the US. They badly under-performed their goal, and Wall St. was not amused. This could lead to Netflix finally FINALLY having to address the user experience instead of just

No, it's an observation that Stone has let himself get hung up on minutia that gives the impression that there is an easy fix to our privacy issues. Stone is a grade A knucklehead who has a short attention span, as are many of the people who reply to may comments.

Because really, we are just everyone deleting Pokemon Go away from being a completely free society.

I can make more, if you like.