
You can complain about rent pricing all you want (and there is some validity there) but the idea that landlord = bad purely because they charge people to use a thing they bought is nothing short of idiotic.

I got zero tongue in cheek from this. Maybe because I haven’t really had human interaction, but it just comes off as pissy and performative. 

99% of businesses on earth involve someone with exceptional means (financial or otherwise) using that to open a business to provide a product or service others need but cannot easily procure on their own (because of a lack of money, skill, or desire). If you think being a landlord is inherently evil, buy a house. If

She’s not even honest about it either. “I won’t argue whether or not owning land is immoral, because everyone seems to get so riled up at the mere mention of a Marxist analysis on the subject.” That’s exactly what this idiot is arguing (as her parents probably pay for her apartment so she can play “writer”). 

For real Marxists, any and all rent seeking behavior is inherently unethical. This is just an article of faith that flows from the principles that underpin communism.

This is getting fucking ridiculous. Yes, rents need to be controlled so people can’t hike the every year and make cities unlivable, but there is nothing inherently immoral about owning properties and renting them out at a fair price. I’m dizzy from the amount of times I rolled my eyes reading this idiocy. 

This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read, not just on this site but any site.

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

Shes probably pissed her landlord won’t and is taking it out on them. 

it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.

Agreed. Most people would not have a place to without rental properties. Slumlords are bad but anybody trying make an honest living renting out home or apartments are not the bad guys.

Accumulating rental income from people making far far less is questionable at best? I don’t understand this at all. Should wealthy people not be allowed to charge rent? As long as they are responsive landlords charging locally reasonable rents, how much or how little they have in their personal bank accounts is

“…sooner to the right, later to the left.” I see we have an American in the audience. This mentality is why we (Americans) have giant, slow busses (and also, your parents) clogging the left hand lane. It’s also why our 5-lane roads are less navigable than 2-laners in Europe, where drivers practice lane discipline. So,

I don’t know how their test ended up, but here’s what Mythbusters and research by a professional driving instructor (me) has come up with.

I’ll see your counter-counterpoint, and raise you a solid financial decision: Live within your means. Credit cards and their available balances are not to be treated as a potential income source. Spend only what you make, or lower your standard of living. The Jones next door are just as broke as you are, but they hide

Government cancellation of debt doesn’t make the debt magically disappear, it simply transfers it to the government. The sort of naivete that perceives such a plan to be “delightful” is the root of the problem.

Amazing. A rant about people not understanding things, by a person who completely misunderstood the thing they are ranting about.

tl;dr - people who don’t understand how technology works lose their sh*t when they achieve a minimal understanding of how technology works.

Google Voice - this is probably the ONLY remaining feature that makes it worthwhile.

I went through the hell of dealing with serial companies that, apparently, bought the debt of "Sandra Ruiz" who had my landline number before me. They were your typical offshore scumbag collection companies, based in Florida. It went on for months, multiple daily calls outside the "permitted" hours. I'd told them