
The way the brake light illuminates the engine is a stroke of pure genius.

I didn’t vote for him, but he turned a $1 million investment into a multi-billion dollar empire. Bankruptcy is a tool he (over) used, but it was one congress granted him. He grew his investment 4000x over... pretty sure that’s a successful businessman.

Yes, the democrats celebrate diversity - Springsteen - living on a fixed income - Geffen is on SSDI - Bon Jovi is on food stamps like the Clinton’s. The hypocrisy of the left is magnificent.

Knoblauch used to flash that same smile throwing to first, knowing he was making some lucky fan’s day with a free souvenir.

50$ that he’ll try to fix it himself instead of letting a professional deal with it.

Eagerly waiting for her article listing everything wrong with her purchase. ;)


“One more, I got 69 touchdowns ... if you know what I mean,”

Ladies, this is what can happen if you take Creatine and drink Four Loko during a pregnancy.

Well, obviously it’s not a secret to you...

We don’t get jackets, just brown paper bags to wear over our heads :(

Or the Hogwart’s defense against the dark arts teacher

How the hell am I supposed to suffocate myself with it if it has holes?

I was saying for weeks I feel sorry for the Cleveland Browns in week 5.


What’s more impressive is that the new raid Exotic functions remarkably similar to an exotic “designed” by the Destiny Reddit community called “Price of Exile” which spawned Axiom Bolts upon a precision kill. The new Exotic pulse rifle spawns tracking SIVA clusters upon precision kills. Basically Bungie turned a

Not my favorite shot ive taken, but definitely my favorite unprocessed camera phone photo ive taken.

“He was out!”

Does foppish mean he’s prone to spontaneously masturbate?

I can’t tell... he filed the suit n Florida court? He’s suing the NA division so I assume no matter what it’s at least a US court.