
You tell us. The movie is out and it sucks pretty badly.

The exact same thing goes for writers…

Will it involve men who are not murderers?

As it's been mentioned, that theory can't be correct. The Sandman series is a DC series that featured cameos by Swamp Thing, Batman, Constantine, and many other DC characters. His books like American Gods and Graveyard Story do not take place in the DC universe and are even published by separate companies.

That's more of an easter egg. It's technically not possible for AG to be set in the same world as Sandman. The Sandman series is a DC series that featured cameos by Swamp Thing, Batman, and Constantine. AG was published by HarperCollins and thus couldn't even include Warner/DC characters except perhaps a vague

Is it legal to pussy grab in public in Saudi?

I imagine Pirates this week is going to be the lowest grossing of the lot.

I think the powers were unintended. They meant to make him like Prometheus- living immortally only to suffer.

You could have made that an amazing Jeopardy joke.

I last recall her in Hairspray.

Wait, so the people who got their money back plus interest… would they have to pay that interest back since it was fraudulent?

100%. Hes the only Wells I want to stay.

"Mr. Burns you're the richest man I've ever known." "Ah yes, but I'd give it all up for just a little bit more."

She wants ice cream.


For a moment I really had high hopes it would be either Julian or Joe. Instead they went the lame route.

That's why I love them all

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Isn't that exactly what Reverse Flash did in season 1… go back in time with the plan to kill a kid to prevent what he'd do in the future…

He's busy building the wall.