
Paul Reubens was in fact accused of child molestation. You guys only know half the story. WHY do you think his house was raided for physical child porn in the first place? You see, Paul Reubens and Jeffrey Jones were both accused of molesting the same underage boy. This was around 2001. They searched both their

Agreed, I laughed a lot but the makeup was crappy!

For me, One Direction actually annoy me more than most because instead of admitting and embracing the boy band label, they seem deluded into thinking they are the next Rolling Stones.

Having seen a master impressionist like Kevin Spacey do Walken, Franco's Walken was so goddamn poor.

They don't have enough plutonium to go back that far.

Ha, I've actually heard that a lot.

Yeah I guess you're right. It's just frustrating that none of these powerful rapists ever answer for their crimes. Blasting Cosby on twitter is the closest we seem to ever get to taking down one of 'em. Guess it's just the world we live in.

Is the Tim Burton fad over?

Wow, so he openly called for "killing the japs" and when America did it then he was sorry about it.

Yep, Gaga is keeping the same tone as Corey Feldman. A refusal to name your rapist allows them keep raping in secrecy and even grants them more power. They feel unstoppable because even famous figures won't give them up. Gaga's rapist is essentially untouchable. If one of the worlds richest and most famous pop

After reading this quote from Seuss, I think the Cat adaptation is what he deserved:

Wayne's World, Waynes World 2, Austin Powers: International, I Married an Axe Murderer… He was pretty cool in the 90s

As the cat, his mannerisms, tone, laugh, everything was 100% Austin Powers. It was ridiculous.

I thought all the guys were cast well. The direction and screenplay sucked.

All female characters were vapid and useless in the 60s.

This is true. But it's Will Smith in a comic book movie. He directs himself, he's the type of guy who's gonna be telling the director what to do. If he wants to play it over the top, he will.

The thing is… He was playing Austin Powers as the Cat.

I always thought Che was funny on The Daily Show.

The child porn charges in 2002 were also pretty bad.

Yeah, can't say I wasn't just making a joke.