
There's something wrong with me then. Because, if I found this in my son's backpack I would laugh hysterically. Then once I gathered my composure, I'd be like, "but for real, who is this little girl? I need to call her parents."
Then I'd laugh again trying to explain it to my friends.

Yes! At work I be standing in the middle of the hallway trying to remember where I was going and why?
Co workers used to ask me if I was okay. Now they just be like, "she's thinking". Lol I have my most brilliant ideas in those moments of confusion, though, so they leave me alone.

9 and 12 is me. As far as number 1, I've never had a problem abruptly walking out of a room. I've made a full circle because I walked in, saw some stuff, was like "nah", and walked right back out.

I would have been fired day one. I eat lunch in my car because of people like that.

I stand corrected. I do listen to watch the throne. Often.

Non-rap listener here. So, I'm just going to listen to lemonade's freedom and wade through the comments.

Seems like your mom and I have similar taste in television. The sole reason I'm still watching empire is because I feel hypocritical complaining about the lack of black people on TV and not watching a black show at the same time.

I almost punched a hummingbird once because I thought it was one of those prehistoric mosquitoes.

I hate cookouts for the following reasons:
1. Outside
2. People
3. Someone finding any reason to ask me, out loud, why I'm still single.
4. Allergies (see number 1)

I thought every family had a Boo and Man/Man Man.

At this gif though! Did they ever come back? Lol

When we go to the movies, my mother refuses to give money to a film with no black people in it.
And if she's watching a TV show and the black person gets killed off she stops watching all together.

Why is this so funny? And why are we sooooo extra? lol

I'm definitely guilty of 3 and 7.
"Girl" just expresses so many emotions. My friend with all the tea will text me "girl…" and I already know there's a juicy story coming.
And knowing how "white" white people tend to be can minimize any story.

Turkey bacon is delicious. I'm strong enough to stand alone on that.

Umm not with turkey bacon and eggs they're not.

You know what I like on my grits? Respeck! LOL

I would definitely miss gospel rap.

Oh so we can care about mac and cheese and potato salad but not grits?

I would also like to see misty Copeland dancing on a piano.