
That probably is the cause for the negative comments they get. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way the curry's or this couple projects themselves to the public.
I don't have a negative thing to say, they're gorgeous and Christian engaged.
It just looks a little shifty to me and that's just my opinion.

Agreed. I also hope that's the plan as well. I'm just sharing my opinion that it's a little too perfect and triggers my suspicion just like blake and gavin.

I love that they bring about a conversation about abstinence and celibacy to the forefront.
I don't love that they come off very calculated with the details and imagery that they have shared.
I really really hope this is a real fairytale relationship but it comes off like Ciara trying to erase the dragging from the

So, I guess nobody is fooling with that Kanye article too much.

#5 always works. It seems like people hate kim more than they are annoyed by Kanye.

So, it wasn't just me?

This! I'm abstinent and there seem to not be very many men willing to wait. Hence, why I am rooting for Russell.

Finally, an article about the engagement that doesn't mention the ex baby daddy.

*whispers* Yeeeessssss…

True. Even though I get the feeling that she won't be letting time or nature do their thing. I remember when she found out that your ears might get bigger as you get older and she swore she would have surgery on her ears before she let that happen.

Disagreeing is a okay with me. :) I do feel that she missed her opportunity to publicly "grow up" a la Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie and change the conversation and the game. But, if she wants to ride the same old same old until the wheels completely fall off that is certainly her right.

I disagree with this. Celebrities tend to stop maturing at the age they got famous with a few exceptions who had parents who don't play.
Kim had parents who are just as fame thirsty as she is. Yes she's causing publicity around her but for what?
Kanye had his twitter melt down right before his album dropped and more


I have no issue with kim being nude all the time. I have an issue with her being nude and not understanding that with compliments come criticism. For a person who's job is exposing herself to the public, she doesn't seem to grasp that once we're no longer talking about her (good and bad) that she's done. There is,

Every song from this album that has popped up on Pandora has gotten a skip from me. I tried to listen to her singing work live at that award show and had to turn it off 30 seconds in.
Listening to bad singing tears away at the soul.

I don't have much experience with white people. Went to black schools, attended hbcus, work at black owned and operated company.
I have no idea how I would react if I was being befriended by a white person.
My friends have white friends and I went to taboo night with them. Taboo has never been so dry.

I've seen women throw themselves at men everywhere. Women are told constantly that we have to put ourselves out there and I don't think men get that same message nor do they have to.
A man can walk into any church on Sunday and be flocked by single women before the 2nd syllable of amen is spoken.

I disagree. God's of Egypt and all the other movies with a white person playing a poc have bombed and this one will too.
And movies with majority black casts always sell out and do well.

It was. The story or script was strange to me. But I did forget that I wasn't actually watching James Brown a couple of times and that's a good sign that the actor is doing well.

Boseman in James Brown was good too.