
I wanted to say NP just because it a solid car with a lot of go fast parts. It also seems to be built well with quality parts. So you know your getting a good car that will last a while if you keep your foot out of it. But I went CP just because I HATE these cars and I would never be seen in one.

“BEAST MODE" blinded by pepper spray while riding 50+ mph!!!!!!

you can get LOKKA lunch box lockers for about 398 shipped. But that thing is a heap and I don't think its worth it.

Shoot I bought my 91 xj for 1900 bucks with a bastard lift front and rear (about 5.5") w/ a XJ dana 44!!! You could have done better with the purchase however the work you and your friends are putting into this rig is awesome. I wish you the best.

I vote Lincoln Locker!!!

Yes please!!!!

6 years ago in my wifes 1980 CJ5 w/ 350/350 on 35", full headers with side pipes, (Not a rock crawler, a street/sand jeep) procomps sitting at a stop light in las vegas. Newer Honda Civic loaded with 4 people revving and wanting to race. I give a quick rev. Little did he know I saw a bike cop just a few cars back .

WTF is this SHIT!!!! Burn it quick!!!! I wanted a JK based truck not this horse shit. Now if that was a JK truck with the diesel I would be the first in line.

I vote COTD!!! best thing I read all day.

I'm going to need a Diaper after seeing that price tag!

Jeep, bah, its a joke!!

I loved my 1997 Saturn SL2, it was pretty quick for what it was, I drove the absolute shit out of that car and I got 40mpg!!!

all I pictured was a very angry person just beating the hell out of the car next to him with his own car door. then slamming his car door shut and walking away with a very satisfied face.

Seems legit to me.

I hope they make an example out of him, I suspect they will since he has priors. But I am not sure what kind of a difference it will make, just recently a few street racers involved in accidents that killed people were made examples of. It doesn’t seem to stop them from doing it. I hope this gets through a few of

I read this on Yahoo news this morning and its a very sad story. I wish those in the hospital and the families who lost loved ones a fast recovery. Street racing is completely idiotic and should have harsher punishments for those caught doing so. A lot of these kids who are street racing see this crap all over

you can keep that 80's shit box. I can buy and turbo an 80's shit box for less and have more fun. But would never do that because I value my life.

BUHAHAHA, I see this almost everyday with these stupid little Hondas.

12: remove stock steering wheel and replace with some over the top chrome GT Grant wheel. (with a possible quick release like NASCAR)

Even with the 6 speed I couldn’t throw almost 8k a it. I could only imagine what a clutch would cost. You never know how they drove that car around. They could have taught their stuck up daughter to drive a stick. A hormonally angry teenage driver with a 6 speed, ya say goodbye to that clutch and flywheel.