
SNES + Gamecube Games and i’m happy. Animal crossing? no thanks, i’m not 12 years old. Nintendo should realize that the japanse market is a niche and maybe listen more to the rest of the world.

Still got mine :D

The only thing in my mind that connects to Mad Catz is piss poor quality and the shittiest support/drivers ever released.

Clicks & likes trump compassion, rationality, sincerity and humanity.

Wow you come up with a fucking 35 year old shooting? In south Korea?

If it was any other company but UBI...

Ubisoft...those retards can’t even get a simple game like Monopoly done without bugs.

more like: our repetetive unimaginative and uncreative twinstick shooter design that we did again and again and again wasn’t enough to get fans excited so we quit. bye, i won’t miss oyu.

Have you seen the Hearth Stone Trailers? Like when some orcs, elves whatever come together and play HearthStone, looking at a board where the cards come to life? I really wish Blizzard would make a VR HearthStone, so you can play it just like in the trailers.

Remember that Chesslike game in Star Wars? Could be real

reading the story and comments made me think of my behavior when i play. I usually play World of Tanks and that game makes me angry on a level i couldn’t imagine. When i think about what exactly makes me go psycho it’s usually because of A) the toxic community and B) the lack of skill or griefing by my team mates.


i knew this would happen sooner or later. They could make money out of old games by selling dedicated server software (or licenses). Ah, good old times when every shooter came with a dedicated server file.

One of the best things about them old games..i can still setup Servers for Quake, Blood, name it.


Wohooo time to dust off my Wavebirds =))
Now give me Eternal Darkness for VC and im a happy man.

Whats the original text on glasdoor anyway? could have provided a link.

I’m glad he wasn’t involved in the movie making. I don’t like the “aerodynamic” designs at all and in space you really don’t need that design anyway. That thing he created looks like the cars from minority report or i robot...Audi design. bah.

you guys need gun control =) oh yeah i know youre all afraid but trust me, it worked in australia and will work for you too.

Fascinating. Going 100+ mph is everyday business on the german autobahn and you guys freak out =)

i wonder if you will ever backup your Opinion with facts or sources.

And you got that info where?

Excuse me Jason but i don’t believe that publishers NEED to include cancer crates to make money. They make enough money on their DLC, Limited editions, collectors editions Ultimate decisions and god knows what. If it wasn’t profitable, they would have stopped publishing long ago.