Scentless Apprentice

It's finally gone.

I'd make a comment about people developing healthy outlets for their emotions. But I'm the one sitting in my office with half a glass of wine and the biggest plate of Fettuccine Alfredo known to man, so I don't know.

i fucking hate this, because i love a lot of the people in the greys and i wanna read their stuff, and bring the good stuff into the black :(


It's all good! I'm taking a break from video games anyway.

Yo, this was the very first time I'd ever seen as well as engage with him and I realized how weird he was (only to find out a short time later that he's fucking insane.) I wrote about it on Clash and that's when the mods on GT told me to be weary.

I can't even dismiss the original comment now because this is making me laugh way too hard.

Why is spring?

Texas has legit reason to wonder about zombies. One if our university just discovered several research brains missing. WHAT OTHER EXPLANATION IS THERE?! Activate your Zombie survival plans, people. This is not a drill.

Keep it classy, Utah.

I can't wait until we start doing "natural" surgeries - anesthesia free!

Ask about natural remedies.

"How in the hell" could anyone have a different life experience than you? Well, because ... "Different strokes", "walk a mile" and all that. Congrats if predictive text works for you. I don't wonder "how in the hell" it does. It's not a contest. I find it intrusive and annoying. Too often it forcibly tries to

my phone predicts blowj** when i type in blow

I think using it with a hangover is going to be a game-ender. It already makes me kind of seasick when typing fast now; if I'm already ill, forget it.

I'm not sure who made you the internet moral police but you're doing it very wrong. K doesn't need to declare herself a racist, SHE IS A RACIST, and if you knew anything about racism, you wouldn't be defending her actions. Since when do racist have to declare themselves racist? Since when is saying that because you

Ukraine as a sovereign nation had the 3rd biggest nuclear arsenal after the fall of Soviet Union and did not give up those warheads until they signed a treaty with Russia in 1994, a treaty where Russia agreed to recognize all Ukrainian borders, including Crimea. Guess what just happened, Russia broke that treaty.

That sounds like a terrible experience; I'm sorry! It sounds like your bra-fitting specialist didn't really know what they were doing?? Snug band shouldn't equal skin chaffing!

I was fitted for a bra on national TV - and am still pretty mortified about the whole thing (What Not To Wear - The braless cellist). I know all about the smaller band and bigger cups and I don't agree. The bra they fit me in was really comfortable for about ten minutes. By the end of the day I had to stuff kleenex