Scentless Apprentice

Just try... You'll feel guilty forever. It's awful!

young Joseph Stalin....


my mind is still blown. And really uncomfortable about it.

finding him attractive isn't nearly as personally devastating/confusing/shameful as finding out who this guy is: (spoiler, your shame will not come from finding a hipster sexy)

any info on that tear drop?


again, what exactly would your due diligence entail?

again, the employer DID take a stand. Taking a stand doesn't mean taking it against the only person you think you can shake money out of regardless of their guilt or innocence.

How would they have known? Seriously? The owner did pretty much everything you would hope they would do (and all that was in his power to do regarding the employee) once he was made aware if the employees actions. do you think a job applicant is going to tell a potential employer that he is a bigot willingly?

I found a tub of instant Lipton iced tea crystals in my parents basement. I'm going to stamp a 1995 vintage year on it and serve it with a rosemary sprig once 2015 hits. This shit took 20 years to make! I ain't just giving it away for free!

power has gone to your head. Nothing beats tomatoes. You foolish fool you!

oh, I'm sorry for the error. Clearly your chivalry account was in good standing and one of our walking vaginas will be here soon to correct the situation. We thank you again for your patronage. Here is your complimentary *sex with female* card for your trouble should you choose to shop with us again. And remember, if

oh no, did they totally screw up your "game"? How terrible it must be for another dirtbag to overplay his hand while you were planning a more subtle grift.

that's setting the bar for what constitutes success pretty low. As much as I love being worn down and manipulated into talking to a dirt bag. I'm questioning why you see their behaviour as succesful in any way, except maybe in their eyes - which you say is something you don't want. So why is it a success if the ends

what the fuck?

I want to get it on with his Dracula

not even with someone else's vagina.

And definitely not in a low sodium broth. Maybe if I pretend I'm in high school he'll MSG me!

Oh thank god, someone I agree with. Franco sucks, but I've really gotta see his dick now. It's gonna bug me all night.