The Hornet

Do you know what the hardest part is about playing kickball? Telling your parents you're gay.

Watching Bill Simmons as he ages makes me absolutely terrified of my future.

Are we all just gonna pretend like surfbro didn't just land THREE straight knockdown left hooks?!? Get ZODIACMOTHERFUCKER on the horn, stat!!!

Oh, the ironing...

Jesus, I know Rondo is pissed that everyone is leaving Boston, but you'd think he'd pick on someone his own size.

Not to be too retro or anything, but seriously, Norris, Adams, Patrick and Smythe.

Sounds like the two of you had quite the run-on.

i don't know man, it seems that you claused some problems too.

wtFFFF this is america fight in enlgish!!!

I find a certain irony in the fact that they're trying to blame this on Sum Yung Kid.