The Hornet

You really should read it. It is fucking hilarious.

Can somebody tell us if this DB announces all his vacations in this fashion? Does he actually do this twice a year or is this an exception, because if this is a new thing the heat is likely hotter than we had even hoped.

Ted Koppel has three daughters; at least one is a reporter.

Y’all got me on which game UCLA lost in the PAC-12 tourney (whoops!)...but I think it maybe even bolsters my point a little bit.

He sure came up lacking in the two most important games of the year: PAC-12 championship and UCLA v. Kentucky Sweet Sixteen. So much for rising to the occasion.

So did the store lose the lawsuit?

I have one of these every day for lunch. Nutritious and saves a fortune over the long haul, money that can then be applied to Happy Hour.

Maybe they should have run the race in the opposite direction?

Here’s the ultimate ‘Skins fan clusterfuck scenario: Cousins escapes — somehow — to SF. Snyder signs...Jay Cutler! Bwaahahahaha!

I’ll see your Holy Lance and raise you one Holy Hand Grenade.

They could use their Dad’s wisely conservative largess — after all, they are RICH bastards — to build something of their own!

Exactly, and the last four years have proven Jerry’s plan was sound. [For some reason, controlling owner Jeannie decided to let Jimmy run the Lakers’ b-ball operations, and look at the shambling wreck he’s left behind.]

Do you suppose he turned on the wind-shield wipers when he went off the road, when he went through the ditch, while he was flying through the air or when he landed in the restaurant?

I got the feeling Beatty knew something was desperately wrong and he ultimately decided to let Faye take the fall.

Just another kid with affluenza.

The “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore” quote wasn’t at Nixon’s resignation though. It came 12 years earlier, after he lost the CA Gov. election to Pat Brown [Jerry Brown’s dad, bonus!] in 1962. They still call it “Nixon’s Last Press Conference.”

This question made me scroll back up for a look. I still can’t answer your query, but now I’ve throw up all over my keyboard.

So true. Not only is he supremely unqualified to take on the technical tasks of the office, he is also completely incapable of handling the social responsibilities. He is dumb and he is not human, a poor combination for presidents of the United States.

The eye-roll at the end is perfect.

+ .357