I can’t WAIT to read Katy Tur’s book about her year on the road with Trump. It is going to be epic.
I can’t WAIT to read Katy Tur’s book about her year on the road with Trump. It is going to be epic.
Goddamn this is so true. I dislocated my left shoulder and tore my rotator cuff (dominant arm) back April and I’ve been sidelined ever since. Major surgery etc.... Still have 4-5 months to go before I can really even think about a return to sports activity (mostly Ultimate and mountain biking). Right now I’m limited…
Disagree. While I’ll admit the current stable of talent makes him look good by comparison, let’s not forget Tim Russert was a total hack in his own right.
Merton Hanks
Is that you Sid?
Isn’t this choice obvious? Andrew Dice Clay.
Jack Kent Cooke actually built and paid for two stadiums with his own money (see: Inglewood Forum, once the home of the LA Lakers) so he’s light years ahead of any of these current douchebag owners — in any sport.
I believe Redskin fans hate their own team more than any other fan-base in the league. Somebody up top already mentioned how embarrassing it is to root for this team so I’ll just second that.
That’s a grimace.
Just think of the campaign book Katy Tur is going to get to write. [Working title, “The Girls on the Bus.”]
This “supporter” is Not.Your.Friend. (I hope.)
I wonder what happened? Was he sick? They don’t usually have a multi-paragraph obituary like that queued up and ready to go when the passing comes unexpectedly.
If I may broaden the scope even further, the fact of the matter is it’s the tortilla [must be flour] that makes the “burrito” so versatile. If you’ve got flour tortillas you can make a burrito out of anything. I use them for all sorts of leftovers. Leftover Chinese food, mac ‘n’ cheese, teriyaki bowls, spaghetti, hot…
STILL kicks, I believe, unless they’re repeats.
Not sure how y’all overlooked Bizarro, which should share a spot in the top 5 with The Far Side.
I’m stealing this (with attribution).
It’s prolly Marla. They might be close in age.
You probably went to an Anarchists’ Front of Judea meeting when you should have gone to a meeting of the Judean Anarchists Front. Those were much less annoying.