Favorite George Michael playlist below:
Favorite George Michael playlist below:
In a Billboard cover story tribute/retrospective of George Michael’s career, the singer’s former manager Rob Kahane…
Same. I’ve got twin seven year old boys and try to be as open and accepting a dad as humanly possible. One of the boys (baby A) started asking if he could paint his finger nails recently, to which I said “of course, my dude. You do you.” Baby B, however, starting to point out that painting your nails “is only for…
She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury
This looks and sounds like it would’ve been perfectly at home in The Fifth Element. 🙂
George Michael began my sexual awakening when I was 10 (the Faith era). How could it not? He was so beautiful and that voice. And now to learn that he was such a pure and generous soul... I miss him already. I’m a nutcase with you Scatter.
This is just such a beautiful performance. I could listen to this a million times in a row and hear something new each time. So rich. Touches me right in my soul as so many of his songs did. I’m totally gutted by his passing. I hadn’t been listening to my itunes catalog much recently but last week I was the only…
Ha, btw I just clicked through to the video you posted and it’s a different version than the one I’ve always seen. Check this one out:
I’ve been avoiding that song because of the bitter irony. The line about turning off the TV (referring to when Whitney’s death was being picked apart by the news vultures), how it could have been him... then a few years later, it is him. :( I am so sad about his passing. I have read he has songs that were recorded and…
I love this song, too, it’s so just in your face and amazing. “You got yourself an ass with a mind of its own, brings something to the party.”
Thanks for this, Julianne, and what an acquaintance of mine calls “headline heat.” I loved George Michael’s strong, powerful voice. I melodramatically wrote elsewhere that his voice played a major part of the score of my childhood. Dave 1 of the band Chromeo wrote some strong points on Facebook about how Michael wrote…
For me, the George Michael tracks that stand out the most are “Club Tropicana,” “Father Figure,” and, of course, “Freedom ‘90.” But I have to say that all of “Faith” was as subversive and dangerous a pop album as any that came out in the 1980s. From the church organ that starts off the title track (sacrilege!) to…
Thank you for everything, Carrie. For your bravery and charm and your refusal to shut up or give up. For lifting the veil off mental illness. For refusing to be ashamed. And most of all for showing my daughter that being a princess isn’t just about finding a prince. You will be so missed.
2016 can bite my ass.
Sending good thoughts to your family for a successful surgery and a complete recovery for your Mother-in-Law.
Sending hope for you & for your MILs complete recovery. Hugs
I’m so sorry! Best wishes for your mother in law’s recovery.
Why do you insult rectums?