
What the hell? That poor lady!

I wish the Obama’s didn’t have to go. But I bet they can’t wait to get the f out of there after 8 years of assholery by Congress.

I dare someone from Jezebel or a Jezebel commenter to please do a robocall with the Trump descriptions!!

Warren Beatty actually acknowledged him recently.

Oh dear. I think I should make a burner for this. O_o

She is badass!! Holy crap.

What the hell is happening here?

This is a beautiful thing.

Is Scottie Hughes anyone though? What does she do?

Poor Jeb!!

Why is it so terrible? Is it the way she sings it?

I hope someone manages to accidentally trip him into a vat full of piranhas. :) :) :)

I really like this song and Lady Gaga is starting to become one of my favorite singers. I wonder why she didn’t play Perfect Illusion though? Isn’t that her first single?

Sadly, Mariah is a trainwreck. She fired her team so she can do a reality show. A reality show is beneath her and she is so much better than this. I can’t understand why she would do it.

I’m starting to like this Lady Gaga.

omg. this guy. THIS GUY. THIS FUCKING GUY.

Oh my god. That is too much!

Omg!! So cute!

I have blocked some people from seeing my posts so I don’t have to deal with arguments.