Omg that first picture... Woooooooo *fans self*
Omg that first picture... Woooooooo *fans self*
I will have nightmares now. :(
I have no words....
I was trying not to bawl my face off when Biden was talking. *sigh* I am so going to miss Obama/Biden.
I think this is useful right now.
I can’t believe I’m defending Demi Lovato but Shady Music Facts photoshopped CNN’s screen. It never said twitter personality.
I still have a bunch of VCR tapes stored in the storage room. I can’t seem to get rid of them.
They have secret messages when you play their song backwards. In all seriousness, I had no idea that she did this.
Don’t all artists write about their breakups?
;) shhhhhhhh
You’re totally right. I think everyone in Hollywood is just crazy.
I am not a huge fan of Taylor Swift but this whole thing trying to take her down is just petty and juvenile.
I think I might be on board the Hiddleswift train.....
I know. This is what happened with me the other day while watching him. :( :( :(
I’m so goddamn done with 2016. What the fuck is happening with this country??
lmao!! *bows down*
That’s majorly disturbing and hilarious all at once.
Report: This makes me happy.
Titus Burgess is my favorite. I binge watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and he was fantastic in it. I’m so glad that show got renewed!