
Nice! I just purchased one. Thanks!

Nice! I just purchased one. Thanks!

Love the first photo! She was so beautiful.

It’s convenient how they left out the other stuff Rob Thomas said.

There was a Mailbox app? Where have I been?

I am filled with glee for some reason that Rob and Blac Chyna are together.

Starred forever and ever.

Bratz dolls are the fucking worst.

Damnnnnn that Corey Gamble bit is catty.

That gif is on point.

Many years ago I had a massive crush on a guy I worked with. I went out with him and his friend somewhere. We went back to their house to hang out. He led me to his room. He wanted to have sex but I said no repeatedly to him but then I gave in. The next day, he bragged about it to everyone we worked with. I had a

Is adultosaur ok with this??

Regurgitated puke pile Donald Trump.

They’ve been pretty private about it. If you follow their instagrams, you can tell that something was going on.

I will probably watch this. *waitsforthingstobethrownatme*

Can he please turn around??

This past winter was the worst. I’d be so happy not have to deal with that bullshit again!

Ahh! Reading comprehension fail. Thanks.

I know. :( When will it stop though? Will it ever stop?

I think I really need to just disconnect from the internet and tv for like forever. Or maybe I can move me and my family to a deserted island or something. *sigh*

Ben Affleck is not from California though. He was born in Massachusetts so I really don’t think this is him.