
DAMN! Swedish rats ain't no ho! I'm both amazed and terrified that this was in their house. I can do field mice but that thing looked like it would tell me we were out of toilet paper. Shudder...

Let's hope they don't mess this season up like Coven. To many story lines, too much randomness, not a good payoff. I will swear by Asylum til I'm blue in the face! And yes, more Pepper please!!

The NBC one was really good too. I actually came out really liking Nancy afterwards and I was never a fan. She's got a nice sense of humor about the subject and seemed genuine. Tonya I love, just feel so bad about her whole life.

I swear I heard the broadcasters say that he was only going to do the team event and hadn't planned on doing the individual skate. You know, guaranteed Gold in essence. But I really thought he was older than he is cause I feel like homeboy has been skating for as long as I can remember!

Yummmm, he is so good looking and dat ass!! You have good taste friend!

True story, when I was little, I thought my Uncle was one of the dancers. Sadly, untrue, but how cool would that have been!

I have seen this movie once. Now I am a super crybaby, never shed a tear here. And I thought EVERYONE knew that was them older, like I was confused why it was a surprise. Hell it's been so long I might be talking out my ass.

Is that top picture not from The Bachelor and the Bobbysocker (<~ not sure if that's spelled right)? That movie is awesome!!

What the hell was that?! So odd! We're those two boys twins? What was all over the little black kid's diaper ( and why oh why did he have to start tap dancing!) I could totally see where people would have found that cute, but still, strange!

It's really sad, BUT I love how it looks like it wandered in, trying to figure out where all that loud crazy music was coming from, and stayed for the show. I hope someone took the pup home!

That's my favorite NSYNC song.

Val Kilmer!! That is info I didn't know that I wanted, and now I'm delighted I know! Tombstone is one of the best movies ever. Kurt Russell is too handsome, Val Kilmer chews scenery, Billy Zane has hair, Sam Elliot, Powers Booths making me laugh, hot town Sheriff, Johnny freaking Ringo, nasty ass Ike Clanton. I love

Seth Meyers, not really a fan but that was nice. I laughed real hard at the Pope joke and at Yolo Ono. When did the Geico guy get on at SNL, that was new. Taren Killem is great, but they need to not use him so much before it turns to overkill. I haven't actually seen a SNL in a while and this one is good.

Uh no, it's go Broncos, and like Miley, I too love Elvis and the weed.

This pissses me off so bad. I live about 35 minutes from Champaign, and yes it's been cold. So cold, schools have been closed mostly so kids at bus stops won't freeze. That said, these are public schools, K-12, not a University. I believe the University here has had classes. Now, I would give a kidney to attend U of

I would explode in a happiness bomb if all that came true!

I just watched this and it was great! My heart broke for Tonya; I still think, and did then ( as a 12 year old) that she didn't know. I couldn't imagine not being able to do the one thing that I loved. I admire her spunk and Nancy Kerrigan came off better than I remember. I love 30 for 30s, the more the merrier.

Control came on Pandora the other day and my shoulders just started moving, straight up natural response. Janet is the bomb, forever!

You guys, I love this show, seen every episode, but this last show was all over the place, more so than the usual. By this time last season, I couldn't wait to see the endgame. I'm ready for the feats of strength or whatever and this to be done. Such an awesome idea, maybe too many cooks in the kitchen or something.

Ok, how big is that house?! Multiple story lines happening simultaneously. And poor Nan, starting to get her groove, but goes all lover's revenge ( RIP Luke). I'm back to not liking Emma Roberts. Misty, I cried hard when you finally met Stevie, twas glorious! But girl, Madison got you, good, and that fabulous shaw!