
Like Rush ever passed on ribs....

Awe, that made me cry!! So great, I hope people really get this message. I LOVE the "That was great Mom" at the end!!

Oh silly, Olivia has no time to date. When she does get asked out, its Desmond (bonus) but he was a pedo (minus). I used to want Olivia and Elliot to get together, but it would ruin everything. They are platonic life mates dammit. Plus, one never knows when a brother may show up from your rapist father. So, gots to be

Well, ok that was lame and loud. Have a good nite all!!

I say even, both have sucked!

Nuts, I heard living single and my mind went to THE living single!

I agree, cause his faces make it sooo much better!!!

Gizblow the coked up Gremlin, ahaha

YESSSSSSSSSSSS Stefon!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, I don't know if i can handle the rest of this episode, this is pretty bad and boring


I can't stand his face and I also didn't know he sang this song, sigh...ruined

Can we stop screaming dammit

It maybe the hair, but Russel Brand is not very attractive..

remaking arthur? god, what next

Ok, tell us Chris Brown is here and let's get this show on the road

Wow, he is already annoying me..and Chris Brown, really SNL, REALLY

@Gothamite88: He isn't Mike, he is Usher. Tonight, he came out and ripped it up at halftime. We was all "Damn Usher is great."He should be him, compered to whoever. I mean, no one is Micheal Jackson, dead or not.

Really Usher?! You can dance and all, but you ain't no Mike. Do Usher and become your own legend.

Oh MoGlo, sadly that was the Super Bowl that was supposed to happen but once again the Bears did what they do (still love em) and the Jets tried hard. I am going to a party (for the food) and will drink away the pain of the Super Bowl that was not to be.......