This was the most epic episode of Jersey Shore in a long time. So much went down, and then everyone is friends again. I will admit it took me a minute to figure out what the hell they were saying Deena did.
This was the most epic episode of Jersey Shore in a long time. So much went down, and then everyone is friends again. I will admit it took me a minute to figure out what the hell they were saying Deena did.
@ThatBroad: No, not at all, I call Wednesday's!!
@starrlexxdiva: Truth! And they will beat Green Bay!
@Acquanetta: Agreed!
@emma.jayne: I have nothing insightful to offer, but my Pops and GrandPops used to play cribbage on the constant and me and one of my bffs would try and play, usually drunk, and scoring was super-hard, but the game is awesome and intense. Check out that sentence!!
Oh lord, I didn't think anything would get me out of a football funk, but then....
Sads, I've been sick, the weather sucks, and my Bears lost. Can something awesome happen to change my shit-tastic mood!
@ElJay42: I've been taping it to watch all together, but yes, stuff is gooood!!
@LionAndUnicorn is Rosie Retrospection: The couple of episodes I saw were good, so I say go for it!
That tattoo is not very good, am I wrong? I'd be kinda pissed.
@lalie (apologetic mess): Hey me too!
Oh wow, blind Patterson guy. This is officially the worst episode ever!
The guy on the ostrich wins the WHOLE night!
@SuziSlammin: Halfs dude
Oh my God, Kennan/Carlton!
Ah Hell Nay!
Elizabethian Previews—Huzzah!
I'm starting to feel bad for everyone cause this blows chunks hard!
Hader-Cher is AMAZING!
President of New York, Watch out Grover Cleveland!!! Thank you Keenan