
I don't think this was an origin for The Black Lodge, but perhaps more of an origin for the entity of Bob specifically and a crack in whatever it is that keeps its forces at bay. There was definitely already ~something~ in the woods by Twin Peaks. The Secret History of Twin Peaks gets into a bit of that, and that

The link in this article for "The Mummy" leads to an AV Club review of the original from the '30s instead of the Cruise version. I was so bewildered for a moment since no picture loaded and all I saw was "The Mummy" and "A-".

Or was he trawling for one?

The $15.65M amount is for all day Wednesday and includes the $5.5M from Tuesday night screenings.

Watching the pre-show at the theater for the past few months has involved watching snippets of Anthony Hopkins & Mark Wahlberg sitting side-by-side and being interviewed about this movie. Hopkins heaping praise onto Michael Bay is practically surreal.

I love that book. Perfect mix of salacious gossipy goodness and film history.

I was definitely looking for a doorknob or a face in the wall too.

I really love how discussing Twin Peaks always manages to produce incredibly bizarre sentences like this one.

I keep trying to not get my hopes up about Bowie, but I also can't help but think about how very David Bowie/David Lynch it would be if he did show up. It's precisely because of that album that I kind of can't help but think that he might have done it.

I spent about half the scene thinking about how I could do a much better job sweeping that floor and that he really needed to lift those stools up.

Yes! That moment totally made me question for a second whether or not I'd actually seen it.

I don't think there was any question about that either. Frank remains his own worst enemy and was the one to flip Walker with his own arrogance.

For all the build up that there has been to this moment, I still did kind of gasp when Claire finally spoke directly to us. Her ascension as the series has progressed has been this slow burn that seems to finally be coming into fruition this season, and I'm loving it. I've seen a lot of criticism of this season, but I

Roseanne was one of the best sitcoms of its day and would go on my list for one of the best of all-time. The last season was disappointing and I didn't like it or the weird finale, but most of what came before that last season was really excellent and funny and genuine.

It immediately freaked me out and gave me the same sense of dread it used to give me in the old series. It's just this traffic light and yet it left me apprehensive and noticing that maybe my apartment was a little too dark and a little too quiet.

I was so distracted by 1-1-9 being 9-1-1 backwards that I never thought it might be anything else. Love the observation about it being 116 upside down.

This was a deeply silly movie and I mean that as a complete complement. The kids seemed to love it.

This poster is not the opposite of that horrible Spider-Man poster. It's just a different style of bad Photoshop. The opposite would have been a good poster.

Twin Beaks remains one of my all time favourite things. It was just so perfect.

Season two was even better than the first season. I'm so disappointed that they don't get the chance to finish their story. Even if it was just one last season or something, then at least we'd get some closure.