For me, that’s how I know if the acid’s any good.
For me, that’s how I know if the acid’s any good.
NBC is Donald TV. They invented him. They created his image. He is president-in-waiting only because NBC devoted millions of dollars to phonying up a public persona for the orange son of a bitch, starting with The Apprentice and moving on to The Oval Office, Season I: The Peacock President. Even Donald’s staunchest…
What is it with other people being so goddamn shitty about other people lives and their lifestyle choices? These are the same people who can’t imagine a married couple being childless by choice. Not everyone wants the same things in life but that doesn’t mean their lives are without content.
My mother died this year. I reserve the right to think 2016 sucks. But you do you.
Jesus Christ, Iris, why are you always such a fucking bummer? Maybe work on that, huh? Thanks from all of us.
Don’t be such a shit. Just this once. C’mon.
This doesn’t sound good at all. You can’t take Carrie Fisher away, you hear us 2016?!?
Recline away. That bump you feel in the middle of your back? That’s my knees. No, I don’t plan on moving them. Enjoy.
...and never recline my seat.
This is a distraction.
Dude, Trump is running for president. It’s hard to get jokes these days.
i’ve heard the best way to get someone to “rig your pole” is tinder...
she’s trying on two different colours of panties and asking social media which one to buy. She is advised to buy both.
It’s not though. This is pretty standard for conservation projects. It’s not simply a matter of hot gluing sequins on and calling it a day. It will require a lot of research and analysis. Finding the appropriate materials, ensuring that the shoes are not further damaged, ensuring that whatever restoration technique is…
Be fair. Trump can easily imagine being interested in his own children.
But Stern is a proffesional shit bag and has been for literally decades. Might as well get angry at rain for being wet.
Also, he’s not running for President.
I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot…
My last dog had an eye injury and the veterinary ophthamologist* did an elaborate surgery that involved something called a conjunctival graft. Poor Fusspot’s eye rejected it, which I discovered when I stepped on an unidentified something I found on my bedroom rug, which turned out to be the piece of tissue they had…
Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.
I’m brown and proud! Though I have certainly sucked a fair bit of cock.