
I’m brown and proud! Though I have certainly sucked a fair bit of cock.

Are you a Millenial? I’m Gen X. Tired, jaded and super into her remaining vices.

During a period at work where they were between bosses and therefore entirely unsupervised, my partner and his work buddy rewrote their office’s policy style guide to require the Oxford Comma. Their previous two bosses were both acrimoniously fired, so there is no way for anyone to realize they unilaterally made the

Those exact thoughts give me the greatest comfort.

Way ahead of you. They love their alchemy lessons.

Do you honestly think he’s a worse husband than Bill Clinton?

And here I was thinking that the sub-blog had a deeper meaning:

Honestly, I don’t know. I struggle hard with things like this and I don’t have an answer. Gandhi was a shithole wife abuser. MLK Jr. cheated on his wife multiple times. Jefferson raped slaves and talked about how great the institution was for making money. So-called “great men” cannot keep their fucking dicks in their

Discount Dave Franco.

Pedroso came back to their hotel room and found Oliveira there with another Olympic hard body, canoeist Pedro Goncalves.

Knowing me and my fascination with death I’d be like my death party is full Victorian Wake Goth Party. And after I’m dead you all will be required to take post-mortem pictures with my body. First in tradtional Victorian style, then you can do Weekend At Bernies.

“It’s the little things that kill.”

also: Jonads?

Seems a little weird/creepy to me.

last time? not so fast......


don’t worry, they’ll tell us where they fit on the list

I give you a “shut your pie hole”
