
Dragons don't grow well in captivity, so Drogon's sibs should be smaller than him.

Nah, I think Sansa, the protégée of Littlefinger is back. She's learning.

Sansa won this battle. Just as Dany won the battle in Mereen and Yara cut the deal to put her back on the throne of the Iron Islands.

So the funny thing is, Ramsey seems to have actually been a brilliant military strategist. If only he hadn't also been a psychopath…

The first eight minutes of the episode: Hello, war in Mereen. Goodbye, war in Mereen.

Did ghost make it? Does anyone know?

(Fucking listen to your sister next time)


Bran's injury has to be low enough that he can urinate and defecate on his own, or he would have died several seasons ago. So erections should be on the table.

They're fertile because they're twins. A mutation caused them to divide into two, and that mutation also rewrote the infertility syndrome that had been encoded into their DNA


Rachel no doubt has control issues with food, hence the smaller boobs.

I think Cosima and Delphine should cure, then adopt Charlotte. They're better human beings than any other parent she's had.

Unfortunately, the show's shrink is just as ethically compromised as the rest of the cast—more so, in some ways. Rachel needs an outside therapist, but I doubt she'll ever be able trust anyone is that profession. It was also pretty clear last season that Rachel's mental health issues were/are iatrogenic—produced by

No, he's something far more dangerous than Chet: an intelligent guy with power.

I'm hoping Ruby really engages her and Beth Ann changes in response.

Anyone who would be embarrassed to wear a rebel flag in front of a black man she "actually likes" knows damn well why it's incredibly racist and offensive.

Yes. Coleman is possibly who Rachel would be, if she were a man.

Uh, guys? JAY IS BLACK. The premise of this season is two upper-middle-class white producers trivializing racial conflict to pump up the ratings, all while congratulating themselves for "making history" and being "revolutionary."