
We're going to need a bigger bonfire…

That's the king-mother of all hot flashes to you. And a hot flash her grace may generously share with all of King's Landing.

And one of their coffee mugs…

Which is kind of why I assume J'aqen looked pleased to see the waif's face on the wall and Arya alive.

With the Queen of Thorns gone, I'm pretty sure the small council is nothing but petty spite and short-term thinking.

So now we know. Daenerys is flame-resistant, and Arya is gut-wound-resistant.

I'm just disappointed that Jaime might get back to King's Landing in time to actually help her.

FINALLY, Westeros is catching up with fandom on the subject of Brienne's fuckability.

I think he's going North, so he and Sansa can have that Hound-Little Bird reunion we never knew we wanted.

With as bad as Arya looked at the end, with her cute little intestines leaking through her shirt, I'm kind of glad they left that last little bit of combat shrouded in darkness.

Exactly! Those predictions of Frankenmountain crushing Tommen's poor head like a grapefruit are looking ever more likely.

It would cement my belief that however Cersei claims to love her kids, the only thing she truly loves is herself.

Bronn, thy middle name is "Fanservice."

It can be two things!

Was your high school Catholic? The average age of loss of virginity for girls in my late 80's public high school was around 16. My sister was on the pill at age fifteen. And we were small-town and very middle-class. Because of AIDS, safe-sex talk was everywhere and my mom was like, "don't have sex, but if you do, use

How can you have a historical drama if the history is modified?

There are a vast number of Protestant denominations and a huge number of unaffiliated Protestant churches. Each has their own system of church government and their own style of worship. So, it's not really accurate to say that the church was "inauthentic"; better to say that it was atypical when compared to mainstream

I did really like the story arc that led to Fusco finally learning about The Machine. His investigation of Samaritan's disappeared people exemplified how much Fusco has changed since season 1.

Seeing her bag Lambert was incredibly satisfying. The one trait all Samaritan assets seem to share is an air of unbearable smugness.

If a chip had been implanted, wouldn't it have included a tracking device?