
In general this show treats European beliefs about magic as if it were the 16th century and not the 18th. France decriminalized witchcraft in 1682, because the French elites had largely ceased to believe in witches. So the notion that Louis XV was about to launch a Parisian witch-hunt seems absurd (of course-selling

You're right that you can read it either way. But what struck me is that, at least the first few times, Shaw would cause the flashes herself by pressing on the surgical wound on her neck. Which it made it seem to me like some part of her was trying to signal to herself that things were not what they seemed. Or some

If only they were in charge of the fate of fictional dire-wolves.

♪♫I'm the innocent bystander
But somehow I got stuck
Between the Wall and the Wun-Wun
And I'm down on my luck…♪♫

"I'm pretty sure the slick, sweaty streaks of speed force energy would give them away."

Norman's denial machine is so fast and powerful. He so clearly believed that Romero had pushed Norma to kill herself all through the episode. Even at the end, when he runs for the revolver, it's not clear to me that Norman remembers that he's responsible for her death.

Great reviews all season, Alex. Thanks for shepherding us through it!

Chick was perfect, in his eccentric, knowing gentleness, and so unexpected.

Nope, I thought it too.

For the last 2 episodes, I felt dismissive of the old woman leader of the Dosh Khaleen. But when I think about it, her enthusiasm for her widows' club is actually pretty well-founded. In a society where rape and beating are just regular features of mundane male-female interactions, the Dosh Khaleen lead incredibly

If only he had drank plenty of water before passing out. Dehydration, thy name is political anarchy.

Yes! The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the grace note to that performance. His every mannerism exudes the perils of liquid diets.


Voltaire and Timothy Olyphant. You are a true gentleman, sir.

Yet another brutal consequence of years of civil war.

I don't think Daario's mind-gaming anyone. He just has no brain-to-mouth filter. That whole "I'll be the shit who killed/is killed by" conversation translates into 2016 English as "Sorry brah—that was my 100% absence of verbal impulse control."

Warren Zevon!!?! Damn, I wish I could upvote this, like twenty times!

No worries, Pod's always wearing his brown pants!

He should be chained and fed to the direwolves at a rate of one limb per day.

She's the Vision Guy. Not the Details and Paperwork Guy. For that, she has dwarfs and eunuchs.