17 i believe at start of show, so was luffy.
17 i believe at start of show, so was luffy.
please no. please please no
a lot of people hate booster gold. i admire your balls for talking about him.
I'm just shocked that people actually own a vita
this is amazing. good for him. well deserved.
sounds like a ps5 game to me
people online are hating on kotaku for this article but as someone who saw the tech demo for ff7 before ps3 came out all those years ago, another damn tease from sony, i completely agree. a lot of us that had hopes from then, including me that it would come to ps3, are pissed. i had hopes again, but i've come to…
this game still looks boring to me
as long as it comes to xbox, i'm happy
beyond 2 souls sucks. one of the worst ps3 exclusives
im not having the huge issues of games freezing, in fact none have frozen at all for me. the waits are longer than they should be. it's not 15 min like some people claim. for me it's more like 5, a little less sometimes. a couple of times it was 1 min. never over 5
for me naruto was one of the best manga/anime, ugh the fillers tho, that i have ever read or watched. naruto, bleach and one piece were the holy trinity of animes for me that got me interested in it in the first place. sad to see naruto over. oh well. one piece has forever to go. haha if you think that's long, what…
hunter x hunter is a total mess
first off i think the new 3ds is cool, but i am mad at nintendo. i don't have the money to keep throwing around for another system like this. godddd. so unfair. should have made the 3ds more powerful in the first place
D4 plays well and is a great game
if you fall off the edge, you're screwed with little mac
i was so excited for this game... i will probably still check it out
i thought this movie was great and the best x-men movie so far
there aren't even that many strikes. it's like what like what 5 total? i mean you can play them at different difficulties...
dude wanna play destiny together? i honestly can't do this weeks strike by myself. i mean i probably could, but it's really annoying