
this game was on steam early access. this game looks soooo horrible. watch the machinima guys play this

better than what $ony does

honestly, now i can't convince my friends who went to pc to get a new console

family sharing doesn't allow 2 people to be on the same game at the same time though...

I do think that tomb raider will come to PC, but NEVER ps4. ie splinter cell

kinda true, but psp how a lot of games, exclusive games

this feature would not help me at all. most of my friends have moved on to pc, they're done with console for now

looks interesting but i gotta see more first

dlna is on xbox one

I really don't see this as a win. this doesn't bridge local in any way. how is this any different from just playing online. doesn't help my friends who don't own console

I already told myself that i wouldn't play this game until at least it's in beta, if even that

Hopefully they wait until it's AT LEAST OUT OF ALPHA

I guarantee you a good number of the people that have a problem with his wouldn't mind if it were a sony exclusive. i'll say this, exclusives on games like this are bad, especially when they're already established ip. I'm ok with situations like bayonetta 2 and dead rising 3 where publisher has no interest in bringing

ps4 has none of this

This is amazing news!!!

I just got it! so pumped, been wanting to play bf4 and fifa for a while

if they did add support for 360 it did be a greater value, and added those games in. basically if they made older titles available

Because I don't want to hear about x1 having no exclusives and people bashing it and saying there's no reason to buy it. I'm sick of hearing about that. every single day i read comments like that. it's killing me. x1 is a good console

aaron greenberg said on twitter that the listing was a mistake by amazon, not coming to pc

aaron greenberg said on twitter that the listing was a mistake by amazon, not coming to pc