
yawnnnn not impressed by this at all. or your lame comment you sack of shit

I remember when stupid sony fanboys used to say that there were no mandatory installs.

For you to realize that your comment was fucking dumb.

ugh, yeah yeah, it's NOT a system seller. No fucking shit. That's like saying shitty killzone or knack are system sellers. They're not. Very few games are system sellers.

Yeah... but I think shes hot as fuck. So her acting skills don't matter to me. I'm definitely buy CoD now. haha well I was going to anyways

I know a lot of people that played the shit out of this game on 360, and they're getting an xbox one, hence its safe to say they'll get this game.

I lot of people loved and were addicted to the original peggle

Perhaps in the future, but it's hardly used so it has no foreseeable good use. Please don't even try to imply that the ps4 is in any way better than a PC

well DICE devs said thats the reason why the Xbox one version is more optimized. they're not used to open gl

nah. ps4 is shit. plain and simple

ps4 doesnt even use dx11

still better than a shitty ps4

this looks like shit, ps plus is always shit. I can't wait for all those crappy games. I love waiting for hrs to dl my games too


i still think this is going to be a good game

well software wise they would sell way more than ps3.... take gta or red dead. way more sold than ps3 for 360

I say so what because those exclusives mean nothing to me. The banner of sony is shit, considering their mediocre products in TV, computers, phones etc. I can say so what to the many powerful systems that have failed in the past. 3DO anyone? I can say so what to the xbox being better for multiplatformers, hence why

Yet, you don't acknowledge that you were wrong? One day, you'll be an adult, don't worry. dumbass

so what? that's like saying the original xbox was better than the ps2. no one will say that despite its superior graphics

Hey moron, the 360 had the WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER which you could use and it also had a separate DLNA option. the media center is just to keep everything organized in one thing from your computer. ugh, did you not own a 360? dummy