
The xbox one will be completely fine at launch. Also you fucking idiot, i said it was multiplatform, hence I know its made by Ubisoft, but sony marketed the shit out of watch dogs. Not sure? Then don't fucking do it. Sony shouldn't have done that, simple as that.

I said in the parentheses that I know its multiplatform. HOWEVER since sony pushed it, I blame them for being so invested in something like that. They tout it in videos and commercial. For example if that happened with COD and xbox was like cod this and cod that I would blame them. Look for yourself, there are videos

shut up you fucking idiot

It's funny because DICE said that the xbox one version was the more optimized version

Yeah Sony is sooooo confident, with the pushing back of watch dogs (i know its multiplat but a game they backed heavily) and driveclub, that shitty racer people have been boasting about. Also with all the rumors and videos I see of ps4s overheating and freezing..... they are so confident

fucking idiot. I'm still on my original 360. you probably just don't take good care of your things. also ps4 has had overheating issues. Look at the videos online

Good thinking moron. there are videos on youtube showing the ps4 overheating and freezing, but just go ahead and ignore that

I'm still on my first 360

I do

yeah go ahead and play ghosts on a shitty ps4 controller

While you buy your ps4, be on the look out for a LIFE too. that should be higher on your priority list

Ohhh you're talking about the xbox one. I thought you were talking about the ps4.

maybe, but you can't play dvds or blu rays, or do anything else. plus you cant use any of the other features. don't be a piece of shit smartass and act like realistically theres anyone thats not going to use any of the other features

Well Japan is the home country of sony and where the ps4 should have come out first.... except it wont

how did they change their minds

ps4 needs a patch to you moron

You just have to look at the deals online man. it's not hard

kinda like the ps4 needs a day 1 patch to do anything

Have you ever heard of black friday?

I always get my live cards for $35, so I'm not impressed