shut up moron. it will work great and you don't need a lot of room for the new kinect. it's design now is great
shut up moron. it will work great and you don't need a lot of room for the new kinect. it's design now is great
I do. I don't want people to know my name because there are some crazy, stalker people out there. I love to talk shit, more so on forums, mostly games and sports though. I don't want someone to hold a grudge and then fuck with me just because I made fun of them a lot. I merely want to enjoy the rights that our own…
I LOVE machinima. I just hate it when they make fun of MS every now and then. They really like sony, but they're majorily PC gamers
shut up you piece of shit
that doesn't make sense. if you pre-order 2 , you still spent around $800. then if you sell one, you're just making your money back on one
Because what happens to your bundle order now, you moron. Obviously this person could have gotten the ps4 by itself but he didnt.
you first mistake was pre-ordering a crappy ps4
Do it, ps4 sucks anyways. there's nothing you can play on it anyways. Other than knack and..... driveclub? hahahaha Or you could go the mediocre fps route to
i don't like referring to others as poor
Chill bro. I'm way older than 18 so technically I'm not a child, bro. Take a chill pill, they're pretty good
By defending my non existing fact by calling someone a fanboy hence must make me by extension a fanboy. so, thennnnn by you pointing that out and talking about some bs about hackers must make you a fanboy. Unless, you're trying to trick me into thinking that, when you're really not but you want me to reveal my true…
the original peggle was insanely popular on 360. while those shitty sony consoles get nothing. hahahaha
i own all the platforms to bro. you're a moron
you sound like a sony fanboy to me. point of this is that ps4 is crap
seems like you got beat up a lot when you were younger. don't worry you loser, you will find a life one day
stop it moron
it is still the flagship of shooters. just like killzone is the crap of all shooters. Talk to me when killzone sells as many copies as any version of halo
they're all robotic and pretty crappy. they look great, but gameplay is horrible
I still remember the original killzone on ps2 and was touted as the halo killer. hahahaha what a joke. it never happened
killzone is shit and will always be shit