
Had they done what you suggested, then other people (like you) would have said they were just repeating what they just done in the previous two games... and there's nothing new... same old environment, etc.

I think the author was referring to the graphical power inside current consoles now. They are pretty much on par with an AMD X1900 graphics cards, which is considered "low-end/below basic" in computer terms.

If consoles don't need updating, then how come I always read about Xbox and Playstation mandatory updates?

You're joking, right? You don't have any case.

It sounded like he was referring to external USB connected hard drives... not USB flash drives that fit in your pocket.

I'm surprised Slave Labor and Food Source weren't on the list.

It's always sad to hear about cases where people are willing to kill someone else for a quick buck. It's also just as bad when public servants, doctors, politicians, and especially corporations are willing to do the same. Some people argue that as a "species" and a whole, the human race has become better and more

Are you sure it's not just they way they're raised? I've seen 3-4 year old kids who were very well-behaved and didn't abuse their toys.

I'm just curious about something. Had their genders been reversed... and the male was 12 years old and the sister 14... would your position be different or the same?

...then what would you recommend?

Here is a question that isn't easily explained in the article. If the fathers are older and more mature... what about the mothers? Are they on average older (around the same age as their husbands) or are they younger women being married to older men? What impact did that have on this research? It seems to me that

I remember a few years ago, I used to keep my cell phone in my back pocket when I would walk outside. One day, I walked across the street to Del Taco to order me a some tacos... and I leaned back onto one of the bars while waiting for my order... and then I heard a loud "crunch". The glass on my cell phone was

It's doubtful you would get far. We've reached a point now where everyone is being tracked by technology. Also, 1.5 Million isn't very much and wouldn't last very long.

But there is a catch... he would have to say he has mental problems... and even if he wins... he will still lose in the end.

What makes you think they hadn't already visited this world? Let me ask you something.. living in this world as long as you have... knowing how evil people can be... knowing how someone would "kill" his own brother to own or possess something he had... can you honestly say if someone with super advanced technology

One flaw in your argument. You're assuming all Transformers are large and huge. That is NOT true. There are some who are no larger than a human... and even others who are much smaller. So calling this a "life-size" model would still be accurate and applicable.

There are a few out there who are addicted to eating burgers. I have to admit during my college days, I would eat burgers at least 2-3 times a week. Now, I rarely touch them... perhaps once every 2-3 months.

I think you can only do things like that inside the small-town stores. If you live in a large place like Los Angeles and went to a huge chain and made a request like that, they would look at you kind of funny.

Oh no... not more vampires.... unless it's Vampirella

Here is an interesting question. If they want women with higher than normal levels of testosterone to receive treatment... what if male athletes have lower than normal levels of the same stuff? Couldn't they make the "fairness" argument and claim they are at a disadvantage and request they be allowed treatments to