
I thought in Mass Effect 3, Tali said the Quarians technically had the largest fleet (mostly civilian ships), but that they were not the most powerful... that title belonged to the Turians?

What if the number used was from a disposable phone? The car driven was a rental or stolen?

Facebook is only accessible via the Internet.

I looked him up on Wikipedia. Says he believed his invention was worth billions and wanted to retain 51% of his invention, which sounds reasonable. That would explain why this was never brought to market. Greedy corporations refused to allow him to keep control.

You're looking at this from a capitalist point of view. Perhaps those he spoke with all wanted to have full control or demanded he give up all rights to his invention? Whatever the reason was, it must have been something DISTURBING if he never partnered with any company.

I'm surprised Planet of the Apes wasn't mentioned. I will admit that Time Bandits was a fun movie to watch and it does deserve to be within the top THREE slots on this list.

You said you recently re-watched Time Bandits. But you were sort of unclear of your opinion on the movie... did you feel it was incoherent the first time you watched it or when you recently saw it again?

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It's so weird how some people are totally obsessed with bacon, which resulted in many bacon-themed products being created.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that it would be totally awesome if Syfy could talk to the makers of South Park and make the movie ManBearPig?

The article never says nor claims basic cable is free. It said if you have just a basic cable subscription, the Syfy channel would more than likely be bundled into that basic package and you'll be able to watch this upcoming movie for free.

One problem with popular TV shows is... each year the actors want more and more money.

Did they make you also sign a release form or have something written on the check that says if you cash the check you're giving up all rights to the photo?

This is generous. The only bad thing is... you have to pay more money to buy the game a second time... and you have a time limit on when you can do it. So for those who won't get paid or have enough money before May 21 are in trouble unless they can use credit or borrow from someone..

In response to your response... that guy technically does have a point. When laws are written, loopholes are intentionally inserted to benefit the rich.

Then not only would you be called a terrorist, everyone one blogs like this would make insensitive comments about your appearance... and some would even write that you deserve what happens to you... etc. Is it really worth it??

I don't know of any place that allows you to pre-order or reserve a game without paying anything upfront. The article suggests you do that, but fails to mention any places like that.

You're wrong... The must not have read the part about "cash running out" by the time the list hits your name.

Your comment was very interesting and brought up some interesting ideas. Amish people or other cultures who are NOT dependent upon technology. They should be able to not only thrive but make this a seamless transition. This new series could explore that possibility.

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I'd be more concerned with the Pacu aka the "ball cutter" fish that's known to go after men's testicles.

I wonder which corporation paid you to write that?